‚P‚X‚S‚V        Born in Oomuta City, Fukuoka-Pref.

‚P‚X‚V‚P        BS degree from The University of Tokyo (Pharmacognosy) (Pharmacistj

‚P‚X‚V‚R        MS degree from The University of Tokyo

‚P‚X‚V‚U        Ph.D. from The University of Tokyo

‚P‚X‚V‚U        Assistant Professor, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

                (Pharmacognosy), The University of Tokyo

‚P‚X‚V‚V        Post-doctorial Research Fellow at School of Pharmacy and Pharmacal

                 Sciences, Purdue University, Indiana, U.S.A.

‚P‚X‚V‚X        Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine (Biochemistry),

                The University of Tokyo

‚P‚X‚W‚P        Associate Professor, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences School

                 of Medicine, Hiroshima University

‚P‚X‚W‚U        Visiting Associate Professor at Department of Chemistry, Ohio State

                 University, Ohio, U.S.A.

‚P‚X‚X‚V        Recipient of Okinawa Research Promotion Award iOkinawa Foundationj

Reception at Pacific Hotel Naha (January, ‚P‚X‚X‚W)

‚Q‚O‚O‚Q        Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacognosy, Graduate School of

                 Biomedical Sciences,@Hiroshima University

‚Q‚O‚O‚R        Professor, Department of Pharmacognosy, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences,

                 Hiroshima University

‚Q‚O‚O‚W       Recipient of Senji Miyata Foundation Award iPharmaceutical Society of Japanj

Reception at KKR Nagoya (March, ‚Q‚O‚O‚X)

‚Q‚O‚O‚X@@@President of  the Chugoku Shikoku Branch of Pharmaceutical Society of Japan

‚Q‚O‚P‚O@@@Dean of Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hiroshima University

‚Q‚O‚P‚O@@@Director of the Experimental Station of Medical Plants, Hiroshima University

‚Q‚O‚P‚O@@@Executive of Pharmaceutical Society of Japan

‚Q‚O‚P‚P@@@Vice president of Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy

‚Q‚O‚P‚Q@@@Retirement from Hiroshima University

‚Q‚O‚P‚Q@@@Emeritus Professor of Hiroshima University

‚Q‚O‚P‚Q@@@President of Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy

‚Q‚O‚P‚Q@@@Professor, Faculty of Pharmacy, Yasuda Women's University

‚Q‚O‚P‚Q        Recipient of Award of Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy (September, 2012)

‚Q‚O‚P‚Q@@@Recipient of Award of Distinguished Service for the Chugoku Shikoku Branch of

               Pharmaceutical Society of Japan (November, 2012)

‚Q‚O‚P‚R      Director of the Experimental Station of Medical Plants, Yasuda Women's University

‚Q‚O‚P‚S      Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy, Yasuda Women's University

‚Q‚O‚P‚T      Director of the Experimental Station of Medical Plants, Yasuda Women's University

‚Q‚O‚P‚V      President of  the Chugoku Shikoku Branch of Pharmaceutical Society of Japan

‚Q‚O‚P‚W      President of  the Convention of the 65th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy

‚Q‚O‚P‚W      Honorary Member of Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy

‚Q‚O‚Q‚O      Executive of Pharmaceutical Society of Japan




